D R Fz

CRank: 23Score: 353770

So much going on in just that one shot makes me happy to be a ps3 owner

6124d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

This Game will definitely be one of the games i get for my PS3.

6124d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The great thing about the RAD development pipeline is that it has been cross-platform - PSP / Windows - from the beginning, which means the technology can migrate to any platform. For example, I've seen God of War running on Windows; it's only for development purposes but it's still a kick to see!"

I wonder what this means? O well, regardless of what console their games are for, I have complete faith in their talents. Now all they have to do is deliver.

6143d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, excuse my bros he can be so pro-PS3 at times. But you can't blame him, Sony did have a strong showing as well as the other consoles. In the end, we all win. It's because of us, Killzone 2 looks so good, and it's because of us, that games to come will have to reach the bars of innovation and gameplay that we have set. We don't want good games, we want great ones, AAA titles and that's why when Games like Killzone 2, MGS4, Crysis, Halo, Mass Effect, Smash Bros and etc. come out, they do n...

6165d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment


"After what we thought was a short trailer, the game dropped straight into actual, live gameplay. And I do mean live, the game was actually being played by one of the developers as we watched.

The developer proceeded to play through an entire level of the game as we looked on in stunned silence. There was a lot to take in during the lengthy gameplay session. First, the game appears to not feature a HUD, in fact the only time I saw anything on the sc...

6166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you see that? Killzone 2 will make me buy 10 more ps3's for each member in my family.

6166d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

my guess is an actress in Kill Bill the movie

6172d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Details on the “Touchsense” :

New technology, named “Touchsense” is a mini-revolution. Indeed, from now on, the vibrations will not emanate solely any more from the handles of the pad (as on Dualshock) but will be perceptible in various places of the lever. It as should be specified as they will be more powerful, more intense and over short periods if the programmers wish it. Thus, the developers will be able to create a multitude of still new effects. If Sony chooses thi...

6180d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that its safe to say the HD battle is coming to an end, we can now all focus on what we know best--gaming. This summer and fall are packed full of hot releases for both the 360 and the ps3 that i would love more articles to focus on. And since E3 is on its way, i have a feeling that there are going to be many 1000 degree and above articles for that time period because of good news from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo concerning their consoles. It is definitely good to be a gamer and even be...

6185d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now before this turns into a flamewar, Xbox and Sony fans remember this generation has seen many titles jump the exclusive list to go multi-platform and Ninja Gaiden 2, confirmed or unconfirmed by this interview, is no exception. Please read this article as a unconfirmed confirmation that the title might be coming to the ps3 as well. Or even better, maybe a totally new multi-platform game for all systems. But it's nothing bad, it just means more people will get to enjoy the game, period. Base...

6193d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

"From what we saw of the opening levels, the PS3 version of Vegas is pretty much identical to the Xbox 360 version, not just in gameplay but in visuals as well. Then again, Ubisoft wisely has decided not to fix what was clearly not broken. The modified Unreal Engine 3 graphics engine that powers the game looks unchanged, though the frame rate does seem to struggle a bit more during some of the more intensive scenes. On the plus side, the PS3 version seems to have a bit more physics inter...

6199d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

the source has this title so i will also retain the original title. I also made sure to address your issue with the first statement.

6220d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

absolutely gorgeous next-gen material. Good find

6221d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

will somebody provide a link to prove that Famitsu gave the game those scores?

6221d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

great news. Wonder who'll get it this time.

6235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It just seems like one of those things that never go away.

6242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so why should i have something against you? Your a gamer like everyone in this community, you have the right to voice your opinions and make choices.

I understand your point-of-view and i can't say it is wrong but i also i have justify my position on things. All in all, there's no bad blood between us.

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are still missing the point. 'Might cause a flamewar' should not be a reason why this article cannot be approved. There will always be an article that brings up debate thus, console wars. However, if we let the flamewars influence our judgment and brush aside issues that should be addressed, then we as gamers will surely lose. Even if it does start a flamewar, why should you get involved?

If you make the conscious decision not to take part in the flamewar and voice your op...

6242d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And Ford Gt, this article should i no way ignite a flamewar. It should mostly interest those who already own the 360 and bring up a proper discussion on how we feel about paying for the downloads.

My first question would be is it worth it?

My second question would be, why should i have to pay for something that i can get over the internet for free?

These questions and many more can easily be addressed without a flamewar. Let us discuss like civil m...

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But articles address different things that may not have been put in focus in the source. That's what this article brings to light. If i was to trust your reasoning for suggesting that this story is duplicate, then explain to me why so many "Blu-ray beats Hd DVD" articles are posted with the same figures being flaunted in most of them.

But thanks anyway.

Not on your part specifically but in general, is it wrong to say that bias might be an issue when i...

6242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment